In the activities of the manufacturing industry, there is a process called wire drawing. Lots of tools or materials used during the process of wire drawing such as wire drawing dies, oil drawing, tungsten carbide wire drawing, and others. Not a few tools and materials needed must be met so that the wire drawing process runs smoothly.
The need for tools and materials for the wire drawing process like drawing oil, wire drawing dies, or tungsten carbide wire drawing can be found at Alimindus company. Alimindus company has been established since 1998 in the field of manufacturing. With more than 20 years of experience, Alimindus has been satisfying clients with their products.
You can rely on Alimindus for your needs. Lots of products are marketed to complement the needs of wire drawing or wire drawing. Indeed, one of the products offered today is the tungsten carbide wire drawing, but not only that other products are still being created by the Aliminudus company for now.
Seeing this, Alimindus provides a variety of wire drawing needs like tungsten carbide wire drawing, wire drawing dies, and many more. Alimindus has a goal, which is to provide the best for all their production in order to provide satisfaction to consumers.
Another advantage of the Alimindus company in addition to promoting the satisfaction of consumers, manufacturing products from Alimindus uses high technological capabilities. So, in making products more efficient compared to the others and trusted when using high technology.
Not only supported by technology alone, the Alimindus company received a lot of other support. Support that makes Alimindus products superior is that in the process of manufacturing products that will be marketed using research and supervision from experts. Which, the experts consider the composition in the product so that it is of the best quality.
Seeing this, there is another advantage of Alimindus. Alimindus is able to provide the right composition for each ingredient. The content that fits here is able to provide high performance. In this case, that every content of the tool or material in the process of wire drawing is able to give a good performance because of the right content or composition.
Therefore, immediately buy equipment for wire drawing at Alimindus. Alimindus is very trusted and has been established for more than 20 years. Not only that, the products from Alimindus are trusted because they have been studied by experts and use the right composition and sophisticated technology.
Contact Alimindus
JL. Simo Gunung Barat 1 No. 46, Surabaya
60181 Indonesia
Phone : (031) 5675741
Fax : (031) 5661325
Email : [email protected]